The tale of the Palace of the Winds


This Jaipur everyone says it is full of charm. But will be that we have seen so many beauty, will be the horde of tourists surrounded us everywhere; The fact is that, for us, the capital of Rajasthan is not within the top ten of the wonders of India. The Amber fort is majestic but we had to walk among sellers buzzing all the time, Americans and Japaneses coming out from busses, guides, shouting to be heard by the whole group... In short, nice to see, but from the outside and in the distance. The City Palace is part of the rule. A little of emotion to the Palace of Winds, this five-storey facade that seems to materialize from a story of Scheherazade, a hive of pink laces which served only to ladies of the court to watch below the comings and goings of the bustling market without being seen. Privilege that belonged only to the sovereign, including the Sawi Madho Singh who weighed 250 Kilos, was more than two meters high and had 108 wives to please. A completely different passion than his colleague Jai Singh, who went down in history for having avoid harem and wars and has instead devoted to the study of astronomy. His observatory is a library translated into marble, sundials of 27 meters, azimuth, rotation of celestial bodies and so on. Latest from the rally: we'll all be classified on an equal footing, those who was always on time (we were half a dozen) and those who had already thrown the timetable  the first day.